Love how these come out! They may be toooo simple but they are long, soft and there will be different finished ends on each scarf. I like to look for beaded fringe, long fringe, tassels, etc. Sometimes I like to add a pin to one end...each scarf will be different. They are waiting for what I come up with...looks like I'll be set with scarves for the craft fairs/shows starting in September. They sell well besides having gifts on hand.
Here's a sample of a beaded fringe found for this scarf...may do both sides of each end?? I'd appreciate comments on this please...
Hi Anne,
What a great idea - making scarves out of every color of Homespun! They all look so different, too! One can never have too many scarves! I was on a scarf binge a couple of years ago, and have ones I still haven't worn yet! :-)
I'm glad you'll be at the conference in New Hampshire - I'll be there too - I'll be teaching 6 classes - and I hope we can catch up with each other! It will be good to see you and Brian again!
Marty Miller
Hi Marty!
Believe it or not I thought of YOU when I was in the middle of this. Seeing them all hung up I "saw" as per your class last year...a garment of many rectangular colors!...leaving the "joins/thread ends" hanging of course as I dislike that as much as I remember you do...especially in homespun. Looking forward to seeing you too in July.
I missed this before, I LOVE the beaded fringe on this scarf, like belly dancing coins, very cool!!!!
very pretty!! I like the fringe alot. Tina B
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